Sunday, 23 April 2017

SEMESTER 2 - Week 2: Expressive hands and Portraits

In this weeks lecture we focused on one of my main weaknesses when it comes to life drawing, This was an invaluable experience to learn about WHY these areas are my worst aspects. To warm up we did lots of very fast paced sketches, less so to draw detail, but to help us loosen up, in addition to this, it helped me sketch out the proportions quickly without me being able to fret and once again become a perfectionist. While many of the drawings are truely accurate, it helped me identify shapes and curves on Mel's face that if i had taken time to draw may have overlooked. This helped me in later drawings where we were allowed more time to add detail and shading.

 What i found most effective during this exercise was not even drawing Mel's face, by drawing the negative space around Mel, i found that i could identify the shapes of her face more effectively this way, you can see in the image below that by not drawing lines but instead drawing the shadows and the empty space the drawings became more accurate as i'm obsessing less with lines and more of the form of the face. I believe this to be why i was struggling with faces and hands.

I was really happy with the way this lecture turned out, it helped me identify my weaknesses and in addition to this, solutions to hopefully help me improve as an artist. 

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